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Sun City Democratic Club

Board Support Opportunities

Volunteer to support YOUR club

Volunteer Opportunities

We need help getting back-up support for the following roles:




Publicity (Primary and Backup roles)



Web Support

We are also looking for a Nomination Committee Chairperson to support the process to find individuals for the Board positions.

Please contact any board member if you can help in any of these roles.  Remember this club only runs if people volunteer to support it.

Sun City Democratic Club

Food Bank Opportunities

Volunteer to support YOUR club

Volunteer Opportunities

Now that we are back to meeting live, we are able to collect non-perrishible goods for the food bank.

If you have any questions, please contact any board member.

Remember this club only runs if people volunteer to support it.

Valley View Community Food Bank

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer to support YOUR club

Valley View Community Food Bank

Volunteer Opportunities

Click the LINK to sign up:


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