Why it is important that we keep the House next year:
Republicans can’t help themselves. No matter how big of a loser Donald Trump is, and he’s the biggest of them all, they just can’t quit him. In fact, they’re so desperate to keep him front and center in the electoral debate, that they’re now talking about *making him speaker of the House*.
And in a little-known quirk of the House’s rules, he wouldn’t even need to be elected to anything to make that happen. Article 1, <u1584542.ct.sendgrid.net/ss/c/Mqag7sW8TIW-nixyBdulQosqE0TD-A0JN3LAgyAhUE_t29deH9puvH1m_eKyB8GazQxl9KjIdummXtE5g3pzafrYqwuAk_ydnuEjimWdlrZlAuIWNGagkcEv5nxJO90bG0kRWL-UJXI_Mqq0ONcKYLCZnX1jox0RedsaKb8…> Section 2, states, “The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers…” There are no other legal requirements for the position, including age, or actually being elected to anything.
Now, in all of American history, the speaker has always been a member of the House. But that’s a norm, a tradition, not an actual requirement. And we all know how much water that carries with both the modern conservative movement and Donald Trump. Zero. And so, a new conservative scheme is born: the drive to make Trump the next speaker. <u1584542.ct.sendgrid.net/ss/c/atcYNHk4Eh2YdGnwBh-YDDlxEx9IvLAAJEtsoelKhzTRtuAhtnDl5r4bGq8uFApoTOzSUlbjziAW95G_vI4zOYTm8i4oS8OXfBXP2ODo6LjZrQ9upQb6ZXnOAxcdGdMHWxL1G7uoPdp_1xGPwUIMg02mdh9TT0oiFnc6PMy…>
*This entire scheme hinges on the Republicans winning control of the House in 2022. The scary thing is, with the Democrats narrow control over the chamber, the Republicans need to just flip a handful of seats to make that happen.*
*I know this seems outlandish, but so did electing a bankrupted former reality TV show host as president of the United States. We can’t take anything for granted, that’s why Daily Kos is getting ready for the midterm elections now. Help us elect more Democrats to the House, Senate and every corner of the country by giving $5 a month. <u1584542.ct.sendgrid.net/ss/c/wehEm_vu1NBVXOKYSqOxTOi34aJoCJC1EivM7Ih953xROGyQSIh4xD0uqUYd1iuICZUQv9mabkIom1kHYBP4Af_ipNyss2PK33sEs-49qznU6a13JSFPum2WqVcejVdnwPMqGXC9KpdVdgfy0_9nfmPQF8epmChkpcvch1H…>*

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